Other Projects
Partner with mission agencies and ministry organizations to bring transformation to communities, bless lives, and ignite worship in places where it is yet to exist.

Global Missions

The Lord has entrusted us with a powerful mission: to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). With hearts aligned to His call, we are committed to reaching the least-reached corners of the world, sharing the hope and love of Christ where it is needed most.

At Church of Our Saviour (COOS), we are privileged to partner with mission agencies and ministry organizations to bring transformation to communities, bless lives, and ignite worship in places where it is yet to exist. Together, we strive to proclaim the gospel, that His name may be glorified among all peoples.

May we each rise to this calling, united in purpose and empowered by His Spirit, as we walk boldly into the mission fields He has set before us.


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Latest News & Stories


December 2024
Photos from mission trips to Osaka


Photos from mission trips to Bobonaro


Photos from mission trips to Taiwan