“When we work, we work. When we pray God works.” – Hudson Taylor
Our goal is to share Christ to all nations, so that they will know God and escape hell. We also share Christ because this world is hurtling towards destruction, and the only way for all of us to have real peace and true justice, is for Jesus to come back.
Jesus said he will come back when all tribes and tongues have been given the chance to hear about him.
But we can’t even begin such an important work without praying, because we need the motivation to come from our hearts in order to sustain this work.
we pray as we plan for this work of sharing Christ to the nations.
We pray as we raise the funds and resources to sustain these.
We pray as we share the vision and enable missionaries who step up.
We pray for short term, medium term, long term missionaries & teams.
We pray as we send them to the nations that have the greatest need.
We pray and watch as they do their great work of sharing Christ,
because this work is difficult and sometimes life threatening.
We also pray and serve with them, as we jointly work together.
We pray as we share Christ with fellow Singaporeans.We also pray
for the nations that have come to our shores to earn a living.
We pray as these missionaries return with God’s grace to Singapore.
Please join us in personal and corporate (see events) prayer for missions.